Kunstverein Gastgarten 
Memory of Matter

12. April 2024 - 21. April 2024
In scientific contexts of materials, the memory of form or the memory of material refers to processes in which metals, polymers or ceramics can return to their original states or in which the effects of previous processing can become noticeable in further processing. In the context of Sophia Gatzkans exhibition at Kunstverein Gastgarten Memory of Matter aims at opening up metaphorical and material-aesthetic dimensions of the connection between form and material as well as adding a relational level.  

The works on show are hybrid constructs of human bodies and technical objects that explore the tension and relationships between the two. They emphasize this in their material and form-giving transitional processes, which are fixed in the works like snapshots.  

Predominantly monochrome black objects protrude into the exhibition space from all sides, held in place by metal. Their initial forms are motorcycle parts into which human forms have been incorporated. It remains unclear to what extent these bodies are taken up by the technical devices or to what extent the technical devices form extensions of the human body. Their fluid transitions are evident in their materiality, which oscillates between the matt sheen of artificial leather and slightly sweaty artificial skin. They meet in a tender embrace and focus on physical aspects as well as the motorcycle in the sense of an advanced prosthesis.  Physical sexual desire can appear just as much as the desire to overcome human physical capacities.  

These object-internal relations are continued by the metal constructs to which they are attached. Similar to the notion of a prosthesis, they allow the objects to continue the negotiated state of suspension in space and simultaneously present themselves as a display, as an extension of the objects and as part of the objects. In their arrangement, the works on display unfold further relations among themselves and in relation to their viewers that cannot be paused. The implied movements of the objects encounter mobile bodies, wandering gazes and new connections in the exhibition space.  

Memory of Matter thus focuses on the examination of fluidities, transitions and states of suspension. It focuses on the various fields of tension and relationships that arise in and through materialities and forms between the human, non-human and technical.

Text by Heiko Lietz
Curated by Heiko Lietz
Photo by Jonas Mannherz

Passanger behind her eyelids, 2023
silicone, pigment, glass fiber, PU, metal, motorcycle seat

Dust to dust, 2024
silicone, pigment, glass fiber, PU, metal, motorcycle seat

Figure of some future Pompeii, 2023
glass fiber, resin, ink, rubber, metal, motorcycle parts, iron thread